Cambridge International
Discovery and Learning
The Cambridge Pathway emphasises learner-centred and enquiry-based approaches, fostering skills in creative thinking, problem-solving, and enquiry. This provides students with excellent preparation for the next stage of their education. IGCSE qualifications are globally recognised by both employers and educational institutions and serve as a valuable stepping stone for students to enrol in local upper secondary schools worldwide. The programme accommodates students with English as either a first or second language, with the examination process recognising and accounting for linguistic diversity.
Students are continually assessed through formative methods integrated into daily teaching and learning activities. Formal assessments, including progression and checkpoint tests, are also conducted. School reports are produced for all core subjects, with progress reports issued twice a year, including a End of Year report. These reports form the basis for pupil-teacher conferences, where individual discussions are held to review performance and determine the path forward. A copy of the report is sent to parents. Upon completing Year 11, students receive their exam results and official certificates from Cambridge.
At the start of each school year, parents are invited to attend information meetings, which cover a range of topics from social and practical aspects of school life to curriculum details and important dates. These meetings provide an opportunity for parents to ask any questions they may have.
Worldwide, over 10,000 schools in over 160 countries use Cambridge, which is twice as many as IBO programs, making it the largest International education curricular in the world.
Cambridge programmes and qualifications set the global standard for international education. They are created by subject experts, rooted in academic rigour and reflect the latest educational research. The four stages of the Cambridge Pathway lead seamlessly from primary through secondary and pre-university years. Schools can shape the curriculum around how they want students to learn.
Every year, nearly a million Cambridge learners prepare for their future with an education from Cambridge International.
The constant analysis of the needs, interests, and levels of development of students, carried out by our experienced teachers, allows the maintenance of on-going adjustment between the activities they are expected to carry out in the classroom and the demands of the International Cambridge curriculum.
International Recognition