Digital Literacy & Communication
IT is a natural part of the students' everyday lives – also in our everyday lives here at the school. As a school, we see an important responsibility in helping to ensure students' digital education and competence and becoming competent users.
IT in everyday life
Students from C to E are expected to bring their own laptop to class.
The school makes all necessary programs available to the individual student. All students at the school therefore have access to Office365 and OneDrive with plenty of storage space and a large number of digital learning platforms.
Digital devices and social media are something our children and young people encounter everywhere. It is therefore an important part of the students' social and professional education that they learn to move safely and competently in the digital world.
At each grade level, we work with digital literacy and touch on topics such as communication, digital work tools, bullying and well-being.
We use digital media when it makes sense but set a clear framework for the students so that it does not become disruptive in the teaching.
We are therefore a mobile-free school and phones are handed in every day upon arrival at the school. However, the phones are used in various projects where it makes sense.
Computers, Smartboards and Touchscreens boards.
All classrooms are equipped with computers and interactive whiteboards or touch screens. Students in A and B classes use the school's computer lab when it comes to involving digital learning resources.